ARQ learns how your lab operates so your team can focus on what matters.

Spend less time reviewing acceptable data or juggling the management of multiple instruments. Accelerate the release of results allowing your scientists to focus on bigger issues and opportunities.

It’s Not Our ARQ. It’s Yours.

Automation, analytics and collaboration all in one place. ARQ learns and automates the application of your lab’s SOP so your scientists can spend less time managing processing details and reviewing non-relevant data. Unleash the full potential of your team by extending knowledge across the entire laboratory workforce.

In All Things, Small Things.

Make incremental changes that lead to giant leaps forward in lab performance, giving you confidence that the results your lab is producing can accelerate the journey to a healthier and happier world.

One Lab. One Quality Standard.

Unified multi-instrument methods with quality rules built on your lab SOP.

Today’s molecular diagnostics laboratory is often characterized by two things: a vibrant and diverse team of individuals, running multiple PCR instruments perhaps from a variety of vendors…

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Software. Everywhere.

Access ARQ wherever, whenever it’s right for you.

ARQ is a hosted SaaS (software as a service) system which provides flexibility and freedom for you to access your data from anywhere, at any time. ARQ works for all PCR instruments and for an unlimited…

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Better Science. Beyond Vision.

Reveal the true amplification data and accelerate your workflow.

The heart of ARQ is its curve processor: if the curves are correct, the rest of the identification (and quantification) process is straightforward. ARQ takes a highly sophisticated approach to…

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Not Data Review. Releview.

Accelerate your workflow- prioritize, identify exceptions, certify.

When you think about data review for PCR data, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? Traces – lots and lots of traces. It is not uncommon to sift through literally hundreds of amplification curves…

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Samples In. Results Out.

LIS integration helps put an end to manual transcription.

As powerful and fluid as the processing and reviewing activities of ARQ may be, it’s the final leg of the journey – reporting – that releases your valuable work as meaningful and useful information…

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Collaboration. Transformation.

It’s not our ARQ, it’s yours. As your lab grows and evolves, ARQ matures alongside you.

Releasing high quality results at a high operational tempo with high confidence requires the active coordination of a number of agents and systems in the laboratory. Multiple instruments are involved…

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Give Your Scientists Time To Be Scientists Again.

With ARQ, you can eliminate noise. Identify the meaningful signal and reduce the time of manual review. Learn how one of our clients reduced review time from 30 minutes to 7 minutes and re-deployed their scientists where they were needed most.

You Make The Rules. We Put The Power To Make A Difference In Your Hands.

Automation is only as good as the people around it. We help you automate the things that make sense and optimize quality assurance based on your standard operating procedures. You provide the input that makes optimizing your instruments, method and performance possible.

Make Better Decisions to Improve ROI, Decrease TAT, and Improve Quality.

To build on your culture of high performers, it’s time to move to ARQ.