Q: CAN YOU TELL ME A LITTLE BIT ABOUT HEALTHTRACKRX? A: HealthTrackRx is a molecular diagnostics company working mainly in the field of infectious diseases. We have an industry leading polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based diagnostic platform for syndromic testing,...
Article for Today’s Clinical Lab written by ADAM ZABELL, PHD & Business Analyst at Indigo BioAutomation LC-MS/MS in the clinical laboratory delivers a powerful instrument with the ability to separate analytes of interest on orthogonal technology...
Article for Today’s Clinical Lab written by ADAM ZABELL, PHD & Business Analyst at Indigo BioAutomation Laboratories wishing to take advantage of the unique capabilities of LC-MS/MS can opt to purchase an in vitro diagnostic (IVD) medical device from a...
Article for Today’s Clinical Lab written by ADAM ZABELL, PHD & Business Analyst at Indigo BioAutomation One of the most powerful instrumentation setups for the clinical laboratory is LC-MS/MS. The ability to separate analytes of interest with orthogonal...
Article for Clinical Laboratory News written by ADAM ZABELL, PHD & Business Analyst at Indigo BioAutomation JUDITH STONE, PhD, and RANDALL K. JULIAN, PhD In addition to its impressive sensitivity, liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS)...